
Friday, February 4, 2011

New arrivals in Gospel literature

The new Gospel tracts have arrived. This design looked great on the computer screen, but is even better in my hand. We received 2,000 of these tracts today in the mail, and have already put them to good use. We thank God for giving us the message, and we thank the hard working servants of the Lord for using their time and talents for His glory.

We have begun our door to door evangelism here in Key West, but are awaiting permission for certain housing units before we continue in some neighborhoods. We have noted that in one of our largest target areas, most folks are not home during the early afternoon. Due to our heavy schedule in the late afternoon and evening, we will have to move some things around in our personal schedules so that we can be more effective in reaching people when they are home.

The laws here, to the best of our knowledge, do not allow us to leave literature at people's homes or on cars. Our greater desire is not just to leave literature, but to speak the message of Jesus Christ to them in person and then leave literature to read and consider after the conversation is over. We find that we are most effective when we can learn what folks believe and let them know that we are interested in more than numbers or canvassing an area, but truly getting to know our neighbors, to love them in truth and show them God's truth. The message of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ is the message of eternal life, of reconciliation with a holy and just God that we have offended by our sin. It is the greatest message in the history of the world and we thank the Lord for the privilege to share it with others.

We continue to add to our weekly scheduled meetings at the chapel, and we thank God for bringing in new friends and family in Christ to share with. If you have never attended any of these meetings  and have the chance, we would love to greet you and get to know you. Our desire is to minister to those who do not know Christ as Savior and to encourage Christians to love Him more and serve Him better.

Please check our Service Times page for updated scheduled meetings. A "Bible basics" course is in the works, as is a meeting time for ladies to grow together in the Lord. Timing is the issue we are currently working on, but we trust the Lord will make openings for those things He desires us to do for His glory.

We will be updating our personal blog with our family's weekly schedule. We have some tentative plans for other study times and ministry, but if you have a need we might be able to help you  with, please let us know.

Mark for the Cowperthwaite family and and the saints at Key West Gospel Chapel

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