
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kids clubs at Bernstein Park February 10,11,12

This week, we plan to have kids clubs at Bernstein Park on Stock Island on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 4:30-530pm. Our regular Saturday Family Bible School will instead meet at the park. If you need directions or more information, please call Mark or Sara at (305)-767-3888 or the chapel at (305)-294-4351.

Tim Hood and family will be helping us in Gospel outreach, along with David Bosworth from Boulevard Bible Chapel in Hollywood, Florida. We have a full schedule of prayer and Bible study, door to door Gospel outreach, kids clubs, and much more. We thank God for those who come and minister in our community alongside the saints at the Gospel Chapel.

We are also planning a Ladies Bible Study to start in the next few weeks, which is tentatively scheduled for Sunday afternoons. We will make a formal announcement once we nail down a time that is good for everyone. Please pray for all the ministries of the Gospel Chapel as we seek to preserve unity in the body of Christ and reach those who have never heard the message of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. If you have any questions regarding the chapel, you can also email us at

On behalf of the saints in Key West,
Mark Cowperthwaite

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