
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Gospel Tract for Key West Gospel Chapel

We have been working with a few friends from all over the country to get a Gospel tract (one that we have used for a while) redesigned for use in Key West. Justin Humes did the original design and writing, and Jesharelah Pena added a little Key West flair to it. Both are faithful servants of the Lord and ambassadors for Christ. We are privileged to have such dear friends who are so helpful in the work of the Lord, and we thank God for giving the talents and abilities for all those that have helped design Gospel materials for us.

Soon we will have these tri-fold Gospel tracts to go along with our other recently developed materials. With the Hood family, and a group coming from Boulevard Bible Chapel in a few weeks, we hope that these new tracts arrive in time for that outreach. We are pleased to see the Lord at work, to see the Christians here helping and supporting the Gospel effort. We continue to pray that we will see unity in the body of Christ in Key West, including other area churches. We also continue to pray that the Lord will be glorified in all we do and say, for He is worthy of our praise and adoration!

Download the new tract

Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who will hear,
Mark Cowperthwaite for Key West Gospel Chapel

"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works
 and glorify your Father in heaven."~Matthew 5:16

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