
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sign ideas

I wanted to have a little sign for the door to announce our current service times, and put this together. I am looking for input, do you like it? All input is appreciated, as is help, so long as it is free help, lol. Email me at with input. Thanks for the help.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Opportunities for Gospel outreach

Today, we went down to Mallory Square to invite some of the performers to our Open Casa Night at the chapel. It was a cold and blustery day (as cold is measured in Key West) and there were not many out for the Sunset Celebration.

However, the Carnival cruise ship "Freedom" was in port with its load of thousands walking all over town to shop, take in the local culture, and enjoy the local restaurants. I am reminded again today that we have endless possibilities when it comes to proclaiming the Gospel message.

We have many local folks who need to hear the message of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. We also are blessed with literally thousands of new tourists almost every day of the year. It has been said that Mark will preach the Gospel to a wall if you give him the chance, and we now have proof. The "lady" pictured below that Mark is talking to, and handing Gospel literature to, is actually a statue.

Though we are a pretty small group gathered to worship here at Key West Gospel Chapel, there are many local Christians with whom we have fellowship, pray, and encourage one another in the work of the Lord. This is part of our vision for the church in Key West at large, to see Christians working together to reach the lost, to truly love one another, and so glorify God in all we do and say. We have seen far too many places where churches won't recognize one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, but God's Word tells us that there is no division among the body of Christ, as Christ is not divided.

Bill Welzien preaching at Mallory Square
As we learn more about our new home city, we look forward to the full picture of what God planned for the church to be, a beacon of light and truth in a dark place. We want to be a true representation of the love of Jesus Christ, and we seek to break down any man-made barriers to true fellowship in the Lord's work. There are differences, and some things that we will not agree on, nevertheless, we must speak the truth in love for the purpose of edification of all other Christians, whether we gather in the same building to worship or not.

We would appreciate prayer for the Lord's wisdom in all these things, and welcome your thoughts as we labor together to reach Key West with the message of repentance toward God and the promise of eternal life for all those that will trust in the finished work of salvation that was accomplished on the cross of Calvary.

Grace and peace to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Mark Cowperthwaite

A new website for the chapel

With all the news and upcoming plans for outreach and ministry, we thought we would put up a website for the chapel. You can find the chapel website HERE with updated service times and current events. We thank the Lord for giving us the opportunity to share the Gospel in this community, to labor together with other Christians, and to help in any way we can.

If you have any relevant information to add to the chapel site, pictures or testimonies of God's work in this community, etc. please email me at

Also on the website are downloadable copies of Gospel materials designed for this community, and we will try to upload message notes and such as they are available.

Now, off to bed. We have 2 kids on the mend from a tough cold, a mommy who needs and deserves some sleep, and many opportunities in the next few days to share the Gospel and the love of Jesus Christ in Key West. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness, His mercy and grace to those who humbly seek Him.

Mark for the saints at KWGC

Christmas Eve service

We had a few questions earlier in the week as to if we were having a Christmas Eve service, which we were not. Of course, the more I thought about it, and the more people asked, we decided it would be a great idea. We had 26 in attendance tonight, of which 10 were first time visitors. Most of them we met while doing our Bible study and singing Christmas carols out on the chapel steps.

It was wonderful to sing songs about the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ some 2000 years ago. This story may be ancient, but it lives on today and so does the Lord Jesus! We talked about why Jesus had to come, all the way back to the garden of Eden and the introduction of sin into this world. What a gracious and merciful God who would send His only begotten Son into this world to die and thus pay sin's penalty once and for all.

A brother gave testimony also of the pain associated with Jesus' birth and life, and ultimately His death. Mary's pain in child birth, the pain of so many families whose children were murdered in Herod's attempt to kill the King of the Jews. He spoke of the pain of Jesus Himself as he was rejected by His own created children, of the painful death of the crucifixion. Surely this time of year reminds us not just of the birth of Christ, but also reminds us of His life and death, and His resurrection from the grave which gives hope of eternal life for those who will repent and trust in Christ by faith.

So, we had a great time, and look forward to continuing the relationship we have started in this community. Even the visitors remarked of the genuine love of Christ shown by the local saints. We felt a great spirit of confirmation that the Lord is going to do a great work here, and we are humbled yet again to have a part in it, by God's grace. We hope you have a great Christmas, and that Christ is the celebration of every day of every year of our lives, and that the story and  the salvation of Jesus Christ is proclaimed throughout the earth. We look forward to the day when Christ will come with power and glory, as the King of Kings. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Mark for the saints at the chapel